Strangulation and Suffocation Offences Police Data Report 2024


IFAS submitted a freedom of information request to the Home Office to obtain data on the first year of Strangulation and Suffocation legislation offences, dating from 7th June 2022 – 6th June 2023. A similar process was completed to report on the first six months of data (see ONS Data on Non-Fatal Strangulation & Suffocation report).

The Strangulation and Suffocation Offences Police Data report presents a descriptive analysis of these data, namely:

– An overview of the number of offences by police force area.

– Analysis of demographic information of victims and suspects.

– Consideration of prevalence and individual demographics by relationship type.

– An overview of police-assigned criminal justice outcomes.

– A comparison of six months versus twelve months data.

Please note, the data provided to us at IFAS does not differentiate between type of offence so the reported findings contain all cases of non-fatal strangulation and non-fatal suffocation. The labelling of categories used in this report is based on that of the data we were provided, unless stated otherwise.

Additionally, we acknowledge that ‘number of offences’ will not reflect the entirity of strangulation and suffocation offences that are perpetrated across England and Wales. They merely represent the number of offences that have been reported to and recorded by the police.


Download Full Report – Strangulation and Suffocation Offences Police Data Report 2024


Published February 2024
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